Home Health 5 Tips for Staying Active During Your Self-Quarantine – Hornet

5 Tips for Staying Active During Your Self-Quarantine – Hornet

5 Tips for Staying Active During Your Self-Quarantine – Hornet

Staying active and maintaining your personal fitness has never not been important. But given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, with so many people self-quarantining at home — and/or avoiding the gym — staying fit is perhaps more important than ever. And not just for your physical health, but your mental health! But if you’re like many, staying active while stuck at home is easier said than done. So we reached out to personal trainer and actor Sam Leicht for some quarantine workout tips. Because everything helps, right?

But before we get to Same’s quarantine workout tips, a quick note from him: “There is, ultimately, nothing that can make you workout during this crazy time if you don’t want to make it a priority,” he says. Now, with that in mind …

Here are 5 quick quarantine workout tips to make staying fit during a pandemic more manageable:

1. Get Your Quarantine Workout Done Early

If you’re anything like me, my 💯 starts just about an hour after I wake up, and it’s pretty much downhill from there. When you get your quarantine workout done early, you take away the opportunity to dread it, put it off, or make an excuse to skip it. You may not be a morning person, but what better time than in a freaking pandemic to give it a try and see if it sticks?!

2. Workout (Virtually) With Friends

This may sound silly, but doing a Zoom call with friends for a group quarantine workout has been one of the best ways to hold myself accountable. You don’t even have to be doing the same routine, but that group sweat that you feel in a Barry’s Bootcamp or SoulCycle class translates over Zoom, too. I promise.

I should mention, though: I really don’t like how music works through Zoom, so I’d strongly suggest having someone curate a playlist that everyone is listening to at the same time through headphones. You can put one ear bud in and still be able to communicate with each other on the call.

Sam Leicht

3. Try New Types of Workouts

Y’all, I’m so sick of hearing people complain about not being able to go to the gym. We all miss it! But in the grand scheme of things, there are so many opportunities for virtual exercise; I’d strongly suggest checking out YouTube for some new options.

Take a new yoga class. Take a Jiu-Jitsu class. Try an advanced level Pilates class. There is so much free stuff at our disposal, and now is the perfect opportunity to find your favorite and take advantage of it.

4. Give Yourself a Break

Sometimes a workout is just not going to happen. That’s OK. Rather than shaming yourself, the best alternative is to go for a walk. Just 20 minutes.

In this time you’ll either 1) gain the energy to indeed do your workout, or 2) come to terms with the reality that today is not your day and there is always tomorrow. Neither is better or worse, but they’re both established by the walk.

5. Set a Timer

This is my secret weapon for the Leichtning Fitness Program (my online training program). When I don’t workout with a timer, I waste so much time. I use the timer for my rest between sets, the tempo of movements, and the total time of my workout. It’s a reminder that if I’m checking emails or scrolling through Instagram during breaks, the clock is still running and I need to stop wasting time.

The satisfaction for each workout is exponentially superior with a timer versus without. Give it a try!

I hope these quarantine workout tips help you get out of that rut! The best part about movement is that it’s going to ebb and flow throughout your life. There are always going to be good and bad times. But you can do yourself a favor by trying to shift the narrative and making exercise a friend instead of an enemy during this pandemic. Easier said than done, I know. But absolutely worth it!

Sam Leicht is a Midwest boy living in NYC. A fitness trainer, Broadway actor and entrepreneur, he is working to make health & wellness accessible for all. For more information, stop by leichtninghealth.com or visit him on Instagram.