GS becomes one of four Georgia schools to prove campus LGBTQ+ inclusivity in National Campus Pride Index
Georgia Southern made history Friday, becoming just the fourth university in the state of Georgia to be listed on the national Campus Pride Index.
The index was created in 2007 and serves as a benchmarking tool for prospective students and their parents to research the LGBTQ+ inclusivity on various university campuses.
“It’s really an honor to be on the index because it’s pretty hard to get on the index itself,” said Dr. Lisa Costello, the director of the Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies program at GS in an interview with WSAV.
Any university listed within the index is required to apply and outline their LGBTQ-friendly policies, programs, and practices to be considered for the index, and schools are scored on a one-to-five-star scale in categories including LGBTQ+ policy inclusion, counseling health, gender identity/expression and campus safety.
Georgia Southern received a score of 3.5 out of five, the second highest in the state of Georgia. Kennesaw State University and Emory University have a score of 4.5, while Georgia College and State University received a score of three.