EVERY LGBTQ PERSON NEEDS HEALTH INSURANCE: HRC President Alphonso David and Out To Enroll’s Founder Katie Keith write, “More can and must be done to improve LGBTQ health, but there has never been a better time for our community to get the health insurance we need and deserve.” More from Advocate.
KAMALA HARRIS CALLS FOR PROTECTIONS FOR LGBTQ PEOPLE AT DC PRIDE WALK: “There’s so much more to do,” Vice President Kamala Harris said (@VP). “We celebrate all of the accomplishments — finally marriage is the law of the land. Now we need to pass the Equality Act, we need to make sure that our transgender community and our youth are all protected.” More from Metro Weekly.
THE NEW WAVE OF ANTI-TRANS LEGISLATION IS BASED ON VERY OLD ARGUMENTS AND IDEAS: For decades, transgender Americans have taken to the courts to fight for their rights. The most recent wave of anti-trans legislation across the country is based on antiquated arguments that trans people are a “threat.” More from The Washington Post.
DC GAY BAR HIT WITH PROTESTS AFTER VIDEO SHOWS BLACK WOMAN ASSAULTED: “We have a responsibility to vehemently reject white supremacy at every turn,” said HRC President Alphonso David (@AlphonsoDavid, he/him). “We must show up for, and protect, the members of our marginalized communities — especially in LGBTQ-focused businesses that we expect to be safe spaces for all.” More from HuffPost and HRC.
‘I’M A GAY, CHRISTIAN PEDIATRICIAN AND HAVE NO DOUBT: JESUS WOULD REJECT ANTI-TRANS LAWS’: In an opinion piece, pediatrician Terrance Weeden discussed their experience working with young adults of all gender identities, gender expressions and sexual orientations in Chicago as it relates to their Christian identity. More from The Washington Post.
MENTAL HEALTH AND HOUSING INSTABILITY WORSENED FOR LGBTQ YOUTH DURING PANDEMIC, REPORT SAYS: A new report from the Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth found that 68% of non-binary respondents and 62% of transgender respondents said that they experienced more than 15 days of poor mental health over the course of the last year. More from Boston Globe.
MOBILE LGBTQ VACCINATION SITE COMING TO HUNTSVILLE AS PART OF FAITH & VACCINATION CAMPAIGN: “The LGBTQ community still has concerns about vaccines and limited access to receiving one, especially LGBTQ people of color,” said HRC President Alphonso David. “LGBTQ affirming faith communities have always led in the fight for our civil rights, and now are fighting to make sure our communities are vaccinated and safe. May this effort lead us toward that long awaited moment of joining back together, safely and joyfully.” More from Alabama Reporter.
📻 PROUD RADIO IS YOUR NEW GO-TO PLACE FOR LGBTQ+ COUNTRY MUSIC: Apple’s radio channel “Apple Music County” features Hunter Kelly’s Proud Radio, a two-hour program that spotlights queer artists and their influence on country music. More from Out.
HUNGARY’S PARLIAMENT PASSES ANTI-LGBTQ LAW AHEAD OF 2022 ELECTION: Yesterday, Hungary’s parliament passed legislation that bans any promotion of LGBTQ content in schools that is deemed to promote homosexuality and transgender issues. More from Reuters, NBC and CNN.
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