Home LGBT News Cancun: LGBT community demand justice for the case of a young gay man murdered and burned – The Yucatan Times

Cancun: LGBT community demand justice for the case of a young gay man murdered and burned – The Yucatan Times

Cancun: LGBT community demand justice for the case of a young gay man murdered and burned – The Yucatan Times

ancun: They demand justice in the case of a young gay man murdered and burned. Photo: (Sipse)

Since 2016 there have been more than 60 attacks against the LGBT community: none have been resolved

Cancun, QRoo, (June 10, 2021).- The murder of a man in Cancun , who was allegedly gay and had HIV, adds to other harassment against members of the LGBT community, of which none have been sanctioned, civil organizations denounced 

Jan Novak, president of the civil association Fusión G Playa Pride, acknowledged that although it is difficult to quantify the cases of aggression and harassment against members of the community of sexual diversity, so far this year there have been four cases in Quintana Roo .

“These are only the cases registered by the organizations or that have complaints, but there are many more cases that are not reported and in many there is serious violence. People sometimes do not go to the authorities out of fear and they do not report it, there are many cases like this that they do not want to report ”.

He said that the murder of a man in Supermanzana 231 -who was also allegedly tortured-, occurred last Saturday, June 5, is added to other cases of harassment against homosexual people in the municipalities of Tulum and Solidaridad.

There are more than 60 attacks against the LGBT community since 2016

Last February, in Tulum, a couple reported harassment and mistreatment by elements of the local police. However, the interviewee added that, despite the videos and other evidence presented, the elements that participated in this human rights violation were not punished. 

The other two cases occurred in Playa del Carmen. The first happened in April when members of the Solidaridad municipal police violated the rights of a gay couple who had allegedly been attacked by security personnel from an establishment.

“This is another case that is still open and we don’t know how it goes. In fact, the boys traveled the next day, but they filed their complaint and their complaint with Human Rights and Conapred (National Council to Prevent Discrimination) ”.

The second case occurred in May, when staff from the State Health Secretariat refused to care for a gay person with HIV, who was finally treated after seven hours and with the intervention of staff from the State Human Rights Commission. of Quintana Roo (Cdheqroo).

These cases are in addition to the more than 60 cases of attacks and harassment against people of sexual diversity that have occurred in Quintana Roo since 2016, Novak added.

Young gay man was murdered on June 5

The case occurred last June 5 in a barracks located at Supermanzana 231, Manzana 22, on Leona Vicario Avenue, one block from Rancho Viejo Avenue in Cancun.

The body was discovered by the victim’s father who requested help from the 911 emergency service.

A version about the murder indicates that the case could be related to a revenge, since apparently the now deceased infected another person.

Source: Sipse

The Yucatan Times

