Home LGBT News Celebrate an LGBT Older Adult with a Digital Tribute on National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day – GlobeNewswire

Celebrate an LGBT Older Adult with a Digital Tribute on National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day – GlobeNewswire

Celebrate an LGBT Older Adult with a Digital Tribute on National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day – GlobeNewswire

Baltimore, May 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Celebrate an LGBT elder who made a difference in your life, and spread the word about the importance of LGBT older adults in your community on Sunday, May 16—National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day.

Join us as we celebrate National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day virtually with videos and retrospectives on the event’s official Facebook page, www.facebook.com/LGBTEldersDay.

Visit our website at www.lgbteldersday.org to submit your video honoring an LGBT elder who made a difference in your life. You can also join the conversation with our social media toolkit, and learn more about the history and purpose of National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day.

There are an estimated 3 million LGBT adults over the age of 55 throughout the U.S.

“It’s important to celebrate elders every day,” said Sam McClure, executive director of the Center for LGBTQ Health Equity, which inaugurated the national day of recognition in Baltimore in 2016. “Respect for those with more experience is an essential element of civility. In intergenerational dialogues, we discover we have differing opinions based on our experiences and perspectives. I love seeing Elders and youth learning from each other.”

For more, visit www.lgbteldersday.org.
