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Dating for Geeks – The essential guide to love for intelligent young men


I’m not the best looking guy in the world and I’m not a player who’s slept with a hundred girls. But I’m happy. I am really happy. I’m happy because I finally figured out what girls are attracted to and have become comfortable and confident in the world of dating.

“You are a really nice guy but I just don’t think of you as a boyfriend.” “I just want to be your friend. I don’t want to spoil our friendship.” “You are intelligent and decent looking, I am sure there are lots of girls who’d love you.” “I am just not ready to be in a relationship right now.” The history of dating is a history of ways that no longer work 1000 years ago, a man got a girl by giving her father 2 pieces of gold and a cow. You wouldn’t expect this approach to work now would you? Of course not! It’s the 21st century! That approach is obviously worthless, but there is a lot more terrible dating advice out there from the age of our ancestors that a lot of guys don’t realize no longer works.

50 years ago, guys got girls by buying them flowers and a box of chocolate on the first date. If you try that now, a girl will just think you are a desperate and weird anachronism. But you will still find guys repeating outdated advice that you should buy women flowers and chocolate on a first date, thinking it will work. It doesn’t.

25 years ago, guys got girls by showing their sweet and sensitive side, talking about their feelings and not being afraid to say “I love you.” If you try that now, women will just assume you are gay…