Home LGBT News DC Comics Previews ‘DC Pride #1″ Art, Includes ‘Be Gay, Do Crimes’ Story – Out Magazine

DC Comics Previews ‘DC Pride #1″ Art, Includes ‘Be Gay, Do Crimes’ Story – Out Magazine

DC Comics Previews ‘DC Pride #1″ Art, Includes ‘Be Gay, Do Crimes’ Story – Out Magazine

DC Comics is giving us a little preview of their upcoming giant sized DC Pride #1 anthology, and we cannot wait to see all of our favorite queer superheroes and villains!

With Pride month fast approaching, DC Comics has given us a preview of their upcoming anthology of LGBTQ+ characters from throughout the multiverse. Not only does the issue feature stories about queer characters, but the writers and artists are queer as well.

The issue features everyone from Aqualad, to Apollo and Midnighter, to Harley and Ivy, Batwoman, and John Constantine. While many of the queer characters are featured in short stories, some of them — John Constantine, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, Catman, Aqualad, and Scandal Savage — also feature in pinups by LGBTQ+ artists.

The book will also feature full-page profiles of DCTV’s LGBTQ+ characters paired with Q&A’s from the actors who play them. This includes Javicia Leslie (Batwoman), Matt Ryan (John Constantine), Nicole Maines (Dreamer), Matt Bomer (Negative Man), and Nafessa Williams (Thunder).

DC Pride #1 will be available June 8 wherever comics are sold.