Home LGBT News Ex-LGBT People Who Encountered Jesus Christ Are ‘Taking Back The Rainbow’ – Christianity Daily

Ex-LGBT People Who Encountered Jesus Christ Are ‘Taking Back The Rainbow’ – Christianity Daily

Ex-LGBT People Who Encountered Jesus Christ Are ‘Taking Back The Rainbow’ – Christianity Daily

During the recent “Freedom March,” ex-LGBT folks gathered to reclaim the rainbow as a symbol of God’s covenant.

Men and women who had previously led LGBT lives celebrated freedom in Jesus Christ at the Sylvan Theater in Washington, D.C. on Friday last week..

According to Christian Post, the “Freedom March” drew over 200 individuals, who shared testimonials of how Jesus changed their life. In 2018, the event was hosted for the first time at the same place. But due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Freedom March was postponed last year.

At the event, many of them were wearing T-shirts with rainbow flags and the phrase “Rainbow Revival” printed on them.

The “rainbow revival” is a sign of God’s covenant, says Angel Colon, who reportedly had “miraculously survived” the Pulse Nightclub mass shooting in Orlando in June 2016.

“We are taking back the rainbow,” he said. “It’s His. For us, it’s something beautiful.”

“We are here and we’re loud, letting the world know that the rainbow is something beautiful,” Colon continued. “And we shouldn’t be ashamed of what it really is.”

As the Freedom March activities continue, Colon and his friends are hearing from a growing number of individuals who want to abandon the LGBT lifestyle to follow Jesus. He feels that the COVID-19 outbreak was a “blessing in disguise” since it caused many people to go deeper in their relationship with God.

“We want to say we love you,” Colon said to the LGBTQ community, “especially now during Pride month.”

“We don’t want to judge you or condemn you and welcome you with open arms and be a reflection of Jesus,” he continued. “We’re not the Holy Spirit. We don’t want to do anything but love everyone.”

After three hours of testimony and worship, the participants marched around the pool with a banner from Sylvan Theater in front of Memorial Lincoln.

CP noted that the Freedom March was one of numerous events in which persons who had previously identified as LGBT took part.

A “rainbow revival” will come

Pastor Kent Christmas of Regeneration-Nashville spoke prophetically about the Lord bringing healing and redemption to the LGBT community at The Return intercessory prayer gathering in September, according to Freedom March co-founder Jeffrey McCall.

Last summer, McCall said he noticed an increase in the number of emails he got from individuals who wanted to leave their LGBT identities and lives behind.

“We are getting more emails, more people reaching out and wanting help than we’ve ever had in the past three years,” he said.

McCall feels that the Church is only getting started in terms of effectively reaching out to LGBT people with the transformative power of life in Christ.

Christians needed healing just as much the LGBT folks

Those who took part in the event felt they were “touched by who we believe is the Physician, Jesus Christ,” says Kim Zember, a Freedom March board member.

“He transforms our lives, not forcing us, not changing us because we have to,” she said. “[It’s] not a doctrine or certain church teaching, but because Christ Himself has encountered each one of us and we want to share that, not only the transformation He has brought to our lives but [it’s] continuing as well.”

She believes that in order for churches to truly reach out to the LGBT population, they must grow in humility and recognize that they “are broken as well and allow Jesus to mend our own brokenness.”

The church must be “willing to be transparent with others struggling about (their) own battles and share about Jesus who is (the) only hope for complete healing,” she adds.