Home Entertainment Gay Couple In Fun And Flirty Ad For Cadbury – Star Observer

Gay Couple In Fun And Flirty Ad For Cadbury – Star Observer

Gay Couple In Fun And Flirty Ad For Cadbury – Star Observer

With Christmas feeling like it was just yesterday but somehow also years ago, you’ll be pleased, or sickened, to hear that the annual chocolate eating festival known as Easter Sunday is only 84 sleeps away! And the good folks at Cadbury in the United Kingdom have released a splashy and LGBTQI inclusive ad celebrating their seasonal star’s 50th birthday!

The Cadbury Creme egg that will not only give you a hankering for some ooey gooey gay goodness but will also get you thinking about new ways to share your Creme egg with the special someone in your life!

The ad goes through all the questionable ways in which one consumes their Creme eggs (I personally went through a dark time of sucking the Creme out of the smallest hole possible in either end, ala the egg blowing technique in reverse and then shoving the egg in my gob whole – OMG, the texture when the pressure gets too much and the hollow egg caves in your mouth, HOOO HA!)

Uh umm – sorry yes well, where was I!?


 Oh yes, the questionable ways to consume Cadbury Creme eggs – the amusing ad goes through a few imaginative ways to do it before getting to the good stuff and showing what we all came here to see – an apparently real life gay couple, Callum Sterling and Dale K Moran quasi make out on screen with the enthusiastic narration: “We are down with that!”

Oh yes we are!

British folks really love their creme eggs

The Brits might possibly overtake the Aussies when it comes to Cadbury Creme Egg mania, just judging by the hilarious difference of the marketing budget when you compare this ad to Cadbury Australia’s Creme egg website effort, non existent page here.

Hopefully that statement doesn’t ruffle Australian Cadbury Creme Egg fans’ feathers but really, when you have a quick look at the UK Cadbury website search results for the Creme egg and witness some of the truly disturbing recipe ideas (Creme Egg Toasted Sammich anyone?), you’d probably have to agree!

While we may not get a chance to see the ad on television in Australia, the wonders of the internet allows you to enjoy the spectacle none the less and you can check it out here.

LGBTQI representation growing, slowly

The ad marks a SLOWLY growing trend of representation of the LGBTQI community in advertising with spots from global brands featuring gay and lesbian themes getting more common by the… decade (insert eye roll emoji here). Renault featured a lesbian couple in an ad for their car the Clio in 2019 and Doritos in Mexico released an ad at Christmas time last year featuring a touching true story about a divorced man struggling to work out a way to tell his son and his boyfriend that he understands and accepts who they are – for the Spanish sob fest with English subtitles, click here.