Home Marketplace How to date a Ladyboy, get the complete guide

How to date a Ladyboy, get the complete guide


WARNING I strongly recommend you do NOT send another email nor try another approach towards a transsexual woman before you read what follows!

So you like to watch “shemale” porn and fantasise on “chicks-with-dicks”. You like it more than having sex with your actual girlfriend, sometimes you close your eyes and wish she was a ladyboy?

You’ve always heard of guys picking up sexy girls in bars and finding out that they have a little secret surprise. Most of them are avoiding those girls, they say it’s a “trap”, but you it’s exactly what you want to pull. You precisely want to fall into this trap.

And you want to put it to the next level now. It’s time to stop masturbating and turn your fantasy into reality!

The transgender community is quite difficult to get into if you are an outsider and are clueless about the code and ethics. If you think that it is as easy as walking in a bar and picking up a real girl, then you’re WRONG. It is different. As easy as going on a dating website and sending a couple of emails? And they will be glad you did them a favour? WRONG AGAIN! There are so many other clueless admirers knocking at their door, and you must be at least initiated to have a chance to shine amongst the crowd.

Unless you have a guide, a mentor, it requires a lot of time and efforts to only be able to approach the community. It’s possible that you will even not be able to make it at all. Because almost no transsexual woman likes to initiate and educate newbies. Instead, they like men who are already experienced in dating ladyboys.

I know there are so many valuable men who are missing…