
As though the past five years have not been enough, I’ve noticed a trend in recent legislation across Montana. Basically, in response to a Democrat president, Montana legislators have begun targeting trans kids, with bills intended to deny them a wholesome childhood.

I could talk about how these bills address things that do not happen (such as denying surgeries for children that are too young for surgeries), but that would be entertaining the idea that any of these bills are intended to do anything other than escalate an unnecessary culture war. A waste of my time.

Instead, allow me to address parents and any LGBT person still confused by the recent flood of hate: run. Get as far away from this state as you can. It is not safe for your children here. It is not safe for your families here. Montana is a spawning grounds for hate and predatory consumption. As long as the culture war continues, Montanans will always join the powerful in crushing the weak.

Raise your families where your children are free to be themselves. Let fire season have Montana — we deserve it.

Cody Leatzow,

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