Home LGBT News LGBT community enjoy Stody Rainbow Garden Party 2021 – Eastern Daily Press

LGBT community enjoy Stody Rainbow Garden Party 2021 – Eastern Daily Press

LGBT community enjoy Stody Rainbow Garden Party 2021 – Eastern Daily Press

There were scenes of delight at Saturday afternoon’s Stody Rainbow Garden Party.

The Stody Rainbow Garden Party returns for 2021.
Byline: Sonya Duncan

The Stody Rainbow Garden Party returns for 2021.
Byline: Sonya Duncan

– Credit: Sonya Duncan

The annual LGBT event, at Stody Lodge Gardens, near Holt, began in 2018 and raises funds for both Norwich and King’s Lynn Pride. 

The Stody Rainbow Garden Party returns for 2021.
Felicity Bell (6)
Byline: Sonya Duncan

The Stody Rainbow Garden Party returns for 2021.
Felicity Bell (6)
Byline: Sonya Duncan

– Credit: Sonya Duncan

Though it was cancelled in 2020, the party was back this weekend in full force of colour.  

The Stody Rainbow Garden Party returns for 2021.
Ed Juden, Annie Ruel and Bee Juden.
Byline: Sonya D

The Stody Rainbow Garden Party returns for 2021.
Ed Juden, Annie Ruel and Bee Juden.
Byline: Sonya Duncan

– Credit: Sonya Duncan

“It’s just so special to welcome people back here after a year when we couldn’t open,” said Kate MacNicol, owner of the gardens. 

Flowers at the Stody Rainbow Garden Party

Flowers were in full bloom at the Stody Rainbow Garden Party 2021

– Credit: Sonya Duncan

“We’ve had a fantastic turnout – the weather has been kind in the end,” she added.

The Stody Rainbow Garden Party returns for 2021.
Kerry Davis and her dogs, George and Pegasus.

The Stody Rainbow Garden Party returns for 2021.
Kerry Davis and her dogs, George and Pegasus.
Byline: Sonya Duncan

– Credit: Sonya Duncan

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“It’s lovely to see people enjoying the flowers, enjoying the fresh air, and just being able to see friends and people they haven’t been able to see for a whole year,” said Ms MacNicol.

The Stody Rainbow Garden Party returns for 2021.
The popular cake stall
Byline: Sonya Duncan

The Stody Rainbow Garden Party returns for 2021.
The popular cake stall
Byline: Sonya Duncan

– Credit: Sonya Duncan

Speeches were given by Norwich pride trustee Julie Bremner, as well as performances from singer Kimberley Moore, cabaret and recording artist Alexa Vox, and others.

The Stody Rainbow Garden Party returns for 2021.
Byline: Sonya Duncan

The Stody Rainbow Garden Party returns for 2021.
Byline: Sonya Duncan

– Credit: Sonya Duncan

The Stody Rainbow Garden Party returns for 2021.
Byline: Sonya Duncan

The Stody Rainbow Garden Party returns for 2021.
Byline: Sonya Duncan

– Credit: Sonya Duncan