- Scroll down for more Pride Month events and resources.
This weekend, Pride Month will near its conclusion with the commemoration of the Stonewall Riots and the impact they made in the fight for equal rights and treatment for the LGBTQ+ community around the world.
On June 28, 1969, the Stonewall Riots — or Stonewall Uprising — demonstrations began in the Greenwich Village neighborhood in Manhattan in New York City in response to police harassment and social discrimination of the gay community. The tipping point of the ongoing issues occurred when the police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club, and aggressively handled the patrons and employees. A series of riots and protests broke out in the streets and the event became a catalyst for the gay liberation movement.
“That moment that first brick that was thrown by Stormé (DeLarverie) — and Marsha P. Johnson and all the other trans, lesbian and queer pioneers on the forefront — showed the rest of the country, ‘We don’t have to take it anymore,’” said Sam Ortiz, co-organizer of Shreveport Q-Prom. “We can stand up and say, ‘We’re here. Whether you like it or not, we’re here…’ Pride is a celebration of that. It’s a celebration of how far we’ve come but also a reminder of how far we have to go before we’re at a place where everybody feels they can like their authentic lives all the time because the fact of the matter is that we can’t.”
June became a designated time to honor the activists and events of the Stonewall Uprising. Pride Month has evolved into a season of worldwide celebration and support for the LGBTQ+ community.
More:The Korner Lounge: Serving the LGBTQ community for 85 years and counting
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Yet “pride” is not limited to one month. It is a year-round undertaking of activism, advocacy, education, and empowerment led by today’s community and allies.
“Pride Month is about fighting back against oppression and owning who you are incredibly proudly and loudly, and showing people there is a way to live here and live here happily,” said Steven Knight, Shreveport Q-Prom co-organizer. “Pride Month means something entirely different for everyone.”
Connecting and celebrating community
The local LGBTQ+ community has continued to celebrate Pride Month with a series of events across the area. Pride events have included an all-ages block party, a disco, drag shows, open forums, with many more activities to come.
On Saturday, the celebration will continue with an all-ages game tournament in the park presented by Shreveport Q-Prom, called Field Gay.
In 2019, Shreveport Q-Prom debuted as a glam-meets-grunge prom-inspired party. Its founding was motivated by organizers who saw a need for more safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community. Nightlife venues have served as places the LGBTQ+ community could flourish, Knight said, but more options are needed to connect people across demographics. Shreveport Q-Prom was open to guests under 21 years old, as well as allies.
“There was a need for people to feel like they also belong,” said Sam Ortiz. “We’d all felt like we hadn’t belonged at some point in time and we wanted to fill that need for others.”
Shreveport Q-Prom team has continued to present events — in person and virtually — that create safe spaces and make resources accessible for the LGBTQ+ community. The event has evolved into an organization that supports established LGBTQ+-friendly organizations, businesses, and events and aims to create additional platforms that allow people to be themselves every day.
“Our goal was to provide safe spaces for people of all ages to come and feel comfortable, maybe make some new friends, and feel like you’re not alone for whatever reason,” said co-organizer Nicole Ortiz. “That there are people who care about you and resources we can connect you to if you need them.”
There was a particular need for places where people of all ages and with different interests could connect. The intended demographic for the inaugural Shreveport Q-Prom were ages 18 to 30 years old. But the scope broadened as individuals of wider age groups expressed a desire to attend and the need to feel comfortable and a part of a community.
“We recognize this area lacks a lot of opportunities for people to connect outside of bars and clubs as a means of making connections and forming friendships and seeking mentorships particularly in the queer community,” Knight said. “We wanted to focus on the viability of north Louisiana being somewhere queer people could live and exist and not hide their identity behind the wall of the nightlife of bars and clubs.”
A Shreveport Q-Prom soiree will be hosted later in the year, but on the last weekend of Pride Month, the team will present an inaugural all-ages, communitywide events open to the LGBTQ+ community and allies.
“It’s a new day and we should be able to exist loudly out in public and then connect with allies as well to establish that Shreveport-Bossier and northwest Louisiana is a safe region of this country to be in as a queer person,” Knight said. “We are here to inspire people to also go out there and create their own platforms.”
A quick guide to Field Gay
Field Gay, presented by Shreveport Q-Prom, will combine classic field day games one may have played as a youth with new and unique games that can be played by all.
“We’re looking to reclaim experiences that are long gone or forgotten, or we missed out on the opportunity to experience in a way we really wanted to when we were younger,” Knight said. “Field Day is such a great call back to when you were younger. Now that we’re all adults and differently abled or have less athletic abilities… we’re like, ‘Why not have a field day that makes everybody feel good?’”
Field Gay will be from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. June 26 at A.C. Steere Park, located at 4009 Youree Dr. in Shreveport. Field Gay is free to participate and attend, though donations are welcome.
The event is a fundraiser for Shreveport Q-Prom’s main event, scheduled for late-2021. Details to be announced.
Shreveport Q-Prom will raise funds through direct donations, raffle tickets, and designated merchandise sales for The Philadelphia Center, an HIV/AIDS resource center serving northwest Louisiana. Holy Cross Episcopal Church has pledged to match the amount Shreveport Q-Prom raises at Field Gay with a direct donation to The Philadelphia Center up to $5,000.
“We’re excited to support their mission and the things that they’re doing in the city because they’re an important organization,” Sam Ortiz said.
Registration is required and may be complete in advance on the website, shreveportqprom.com. Participants may sign up as a team (five-eight players) or request to be placed on a team by the event organizers.
Teams and individuals may sign up to play until noon on Thursday, June 24. Team registration on the day of the event will be limited and first-come, first-served. On-site registration and sign-in will be from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. June 26 at the park.
Participation is not required to attend. Spectators are encouraged to come and cheer on their favorite team.
Field Gay will kick off with an Olympic-style opening ceremony at 10:45 a.m. Games will begin at 11 a.m. with the final event expected to end around 3 p.m.
The series of games are aimed to bring out the competitive and fun nature in the players and spectators. The rounds will include classic field day games, such as tug of war and a three-legged race.
“Kind of like the prom, it’s a throwback to what people may have missed out on or want to experience again with their new colleagues, friends, and community,” said co-organizer Chris Lyon.
There will be nontraditional, zany challenges and surprises throughout the day, such as the ping pong shake in which players attempt to shake ping pong balls out of a tissue box strapped to them. And the pizza box relay will test players’ balance and speed as they attempt to carry towers of pizza boxes across the field without dropping them.
The activities are designed for those with and without athletic skills. Also, players with disabilities or physical limitations are welcome.
“It’s going to be a wild experience,” Lyon said. “It’s about coordination and communication more than it’s about physical ability to throw a ball very far.”
Points will be tallied with three teams moving into the semifinals and one wildcard team. The four teams will play a round of kickball with the final two teams going head-to-head in a game of capture the flag.
Rewards and a grand prize trophy are up for grabs as teams compete and move on to the next rounds, closer to becoming the Field Gay Champions.
Merchandise and food vendors will be on-site. For a full list of vendors, follow the Facebook event page and visit the website.
Volunteers are welcome. Duties may include game referee or water distribution.
Sign up to play, be a vendor, volunteer, donate, and view the games and rules at shreveportqprom.com. Sponsorship opportunities are available for Field Gay and Shreveport Q-Prom. Follow Shreveport Q-Prom at facebook.com/shreveportqprom/.
For a list of more Pride Month events and resources, visit shreveporttimes.com.
More Pride Month events and resources:
Pride Weekend @ The Lot. June 25 from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. and June 26 from 1 p.m. to 11 p.m. The two-day event will include live music, food, art and merchandise vendors, face painting, a bounce house for kids, and more. On Friday, June Cleavage will host a drag show beginning at 8 p.m. Saturday’s entertainment lineup includes Jason Sepulvado, Molly Hiers and Friends Comedy Show, DJ Cory Crew, and The Hollow Decks. Admission is free and open to all ages. For more info, visit facebook.com/events/226670272600937/ or facebook.com/thelotdowntownshv.
Pride Fest. June 25 at 11 p.m. at Bear’s, 1401 Fairfield Ave., in Shreveport. The 21 an up event will include an “historic drag event” hosted by ZaZa Gigiante and featuring Lemon Pop, Jade Summers, Prada Cayne Mylan, and Gemini Alexander Brooks. Admission is $8. For more info, visit facebook.com/events/148076880713303/.
Pride Mass and Reception. June 26 from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 875 Cotton St., downtown Shreveport. The second annual Pride Mass with a reception to follow in the Rose Garden. For more info, visit facebook.com/events/1194858840944889 or facebook.com/holycrossdowntown
Field Gay After Party and Drag Show. June 26 at 10:30 p.m. at The Korner Lounge, 800 Louisiana Ave., in downtown Shreveport. The Korner Girls Revue will host the evening of entertainment. An all-ages candlelight vigil will be held at 10 p.m. outside of the venue to honor the anniversary of Stonewall and the tragedy at the Upstairs Lounge in New Orleans. Presented by Shreveport Q-Prom. Admission is $8. The venue is ages 21 and up. For more info, visit facebook.com/events/196262085736611/ or facebook.com/KornerLounge.
A Pride Drag Show. June 26. Doors open at 8 p.m. Showtime at 11 p.m. Central Station, 1025 Marshall St., in downtown Shreveport. Jade Summers hosts a drag show featuring Mya Andrews, ZaZa Gigante, Violet Ray, and Prada Mylan. Presented by Central Station. Admission is $8. Ages 21 and up. For more info, visit facebook.com/CentralStationShreveport.
Telling Stories: Celebrating Pride Month with Queer Oral Histories from the Ark-La-Tex. June 28 at 6 p.m. Hosted by Dr. Jaime Cantrell, Assistant Professor of English and Director of the Program in Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies at Texas A&M University Texarkana, with panelists Shadi Darzeiden, Mary Domars, J.D. Stevens-Jones, Page Lafitte, and Jason Woods. A virtual event presented by Shreve Memorial Library. Admission is free. Register at bit.ly/2RY3wQE. For more info, visit facebook.com/events/2181792318785911/ or facebook.com/shrevememorial
PRIDE: A Movie, a Meal, a Message. June 29 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at LSUS University Center, 1 University Pl., Shreveport. Presented by the LSUS Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement. A screening of “Small Town Rage: Fighting Back in the Deep South,” an indie documentary by David Hylan and Raydra Hall. The evening will include a meal and a discussion on the importance of the work of ACT-UP Shreveport and the local LGBTQ+ community. The event is open to students and the public. Admission is free, but RSVP is required by emailing kenna.franklin@lsus.edu or calling 318-797-5084. For more info, visit facebook.com/events/539462760749942/
The Philadelphia Center. An HIV/Aids resource center providing services in northwest Louisiana. For more info, visit philadelphiacenter.org.
People Acting for Change and Equality (P.A.C.E.). A nonpartisan organization that works to advance equality for LGBT community in Northwest Louisiana. For more info, visit pacelouisiana.org.