PARKERSBURG — Out MOV will host a family-friendly Pride in the Park LGBTQIA+ Community Celebration from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. June 26 at the Band Shell in City Park.
This event is an opportunity to join in a community celebration of Pride Month.
“Out MOV is proud to invite every member of the LGBTQIA+ community, our friends, allies and family members to join us for a day of family fun in the park as we celebrate our community,” said Out MOV Vice President Jeanne Peters.
Live entertainment for the day will be provided by local musicians The Janes, Fox and The Forest, Racheal Harrison, LeeAnn Galluci, Smokestack Betty, The Gay Agenda, and Back Porch Alibi. C8Cosplay and Professor Bubblemaker will also share the joy with the crowd all day.
Out MOV Inc. is a 501c4 nonprofit LGBTQ+ organization working to improve the quality of life for LGBTQ+ people in the Mid-Ohio Valley by promoting and supporting diversity and inclusion through education, communication, and advocacy. Out MOV works to connect community members with services and organizations that enrich and support their lives.
Several organizations will be exhibiting at the event, including: Actors Guild of Parkersburg, ACLU of WV, Children’s Home Society, Circles Campaign, Fairness WV, Hope Recovery Manor, Job Corps, Mid-Ohio Valley Climate Action, Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department, Morgantown Pride, New Wineskins, Planned Parenthood, Prevent Suicide WV/Westbrook Health Services, Queer Mountaineers, United Way 211, You Matter I Matter, Wood County Democrats and WV Free.