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Supernova director Harry McQueen on ‘quietly revolutionary’ gay romance and casting with ‘integrity’ – MSN UK

a group of people sitting at a table eating food

© Provided by PinkNews

When Supernova writer and director Harry Macqueen set out to make a film about a life thrown into disarray by a dementia diagnosis, he decided early on he wanted it to focus on a gay couple.

The result is the emotionally searing Supernova, which stars Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci as Sam and Tusker, a couple in later middle age. The film follows the men as they embark on a road trip after Tusker is diagnosed with dementia to explore some of the places and relationships that brought them together many years before. In some respects, it’s a standard road movie – but it’s also a heady love story with masterful performances from Firth and Tucci at its core.

There were “a number of reasons” Macqueen settled on telling the story of a gay couple dealing with a dementia diagnosis, he explains.

“Over and above the dementia side of it, I just think I hadn’t seen that many films that deal with love at this age – same-sex, romantic love, mature love,” Macqueen tells PinkNews. “I hadn’t seen that a lot on screen and I was asking myself why that was whilst I was making the film. But also because when I first decided that I was going to try and make a film about it, I knew it was going to be about a couple, and all of the people I had met along the way had been heterosexual couples of this kind of age. And so my natural impulse was to start writing that relationship again.”

Macqueen stopped himself early on and questioned why he was naturally gravitating towards creating a film about a heterosexual couple. “It occurred to me that what I was writing was a universal story – it’s about love, loss, compassion, empathy, trust, and all of that stuff, and that of course is not owned by any gender or sexual orientation. So all of those things combined made me want to make a film about same-sex love. 

“Also, I think cinema and stories are important, and I think as a filmmaker you always want to inspire and educate at the same time. So if this kind of representation could do those things, I was really up for the challenge of making that work.”

Going into Supernova, Macqueen was keenly aware of the dearth of stories about LGBT+ people in middle-age. Queer cinema has a long history of over reliance on coming-out narratives. Those stories are “really important,” Macqueen says, but LGBT+ audiences need more. 

“It means the sexuality of the characters informs the narrative, and I didn’t want that to happen in my film really,” Macqueen says. “Of course it informs the characters in every way – their lived experience is different from people that are straight and that age. So you weave it into the character, but it’s not involved in the plot. It’s not mentioned, it’s never even part of anyone’s conversation. And I think that in its own way is quietly revolutionary, I would say, humbly.”

a person standing on top of a grass covered field: Harry Macqueen (L) with Colin Firth. (Provided)

© Provided by PinkNews Harry Macqueen (L) with Colin Firth. (Provided)

Supernova has won acclaim from critics, but it has also proven controversial in some territories for its exploration of same-sex love. The film found itself at the centre of a media storm in April when it emerged that censors in Russia were trying to cut some scenes from the film.

“I just don’t think those things should happen,” Macqueen says. “I mean, there’s good reason for some things to be censored, of course, but for a film like this to be censored because of the fact that the two people lying in bed are the same sex was not something I or the other producers were willing to put up with for a second. 

“Also, it was done without our knowledge. It was difficult for the distributors in Russia, they were put under a lot of pressure seemingly, but you’ve got to stick to your guns. Different cultures have different values, and it’s a complex conversation to talk from one perspective and try and throw your own opinions at someone else’s lived experience and all that kind of stuff. But you also just have to respect the work, so if a person or a territory doesn’t want to respect that, then I think they shouldn’t be watching the film in the first place in a way.”

Luckily, the sorry affair ended in a good place. Macqueen intervened and demanded that the film be played in its entirety. Ultimately, Supernova was shown uncut in the biggest cinema in Moscow.

“That, I think, is kind of amazing really. I don’t think that happens very often in Russia that a big western film will come over with that kind of representation and sell out the biggest cinema in Moscow city centre.”

I think Colin and Stanley were the best people for these roles. That’s just a certainty for me.

Supernova has also faced backlash from some LGBT+ people over its casting of two straight actors in gay roles. That conversation is, Macqueen admits, “an incredibly important one” – but he’s comfortable with the choices he made.

“I think the reason we’re still having that conversation is because I don’t think there’s really any defined answer as to what the conclusion to it is,” Macqueen says of the ongoing debate. “I think the really important thing for a project, as a filmmaker, is that my door is as open as it possibly can be to everyone, and that extends not just to actors, but to everyone working on the film. And I think that’s your duty as a creator of a project.

“I think Colin and Stanley were the best people for these roles. That’s just a certainty for me. It’s allowed the film to go to places that it wouldn’t normally have gone to, and I think that alone is incredibly important.

“Obviously they’ve drawn on a 20-year relationship to make it – I don’t think any other acting duo could have done that. But I think ultimately it comes down to the integrity of the project. Is the project treating the subject matter and the characters with integrity and empathy and is it being compassionate to its subject matter? And I think this is. I really believe that it is, that all of us making it treated it right from the start like that. So I think it’s project to project, really, and I think integrity is the main thing.”

Harry Macqueen spent two years researching dementia to create Supernova

Supernova might be a queer film, but it’s also, at its core, a story about dementia and the heartbreak that comes with the realisation that time is finite. Macqueen worked with researchers at University College London (UCL) to make sure that his depiction of the condition was accurate and considerate. He ultimately spent more than two years researching dementia before he even started writing the screenplay.

“Dementia is surprising and terrifying and kind of inspiring, and I think living with dementia is a very interesting, specific thing in itself,” he explains. “How you engage with life when you know that you have a diagnosis like this – how you change your life to accommodate someone that is getting progressively more ill – is really inspiring and thought-provoking, and made me want to write a film about it.

“The thing for me then was to step a little bit back from it and to try and use the atmosphere of what I’d experienced spending all that time with people and translate that into an original piece of work. I didn’t want to write anything that was directly based on anyone I’d met or any situation. It was more a collection of lots of information and lots of experience.”

Through his research, Macqueen decided that Tusker should have posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) rather than a standard Alzheimer’s diagnosis. He wanted to make sure that his depiction was specific as he was all too aware that most films about dementia deal in “broad brushstrokes”.

a man and a woman sitting at a table: Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci in Supernova. (Provided)

© Provided by PinkNews Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci in Supernova. (Provided)

“PCA is a very interesting type of dementia because it affects the posterior of your brain, the back of your brain, so it affects your speech, your writing, your reading, your capacity to understand and to write, and it affects your eyesight,” Macqueen explains.

“But it does those things before it affects your memory, so with PCA you can then have a character that is, to all intents and purposes, still lucid and still has agency over their thoughts and their feelings whilst deteriorating in different ways. That’s interesting for a piece of drama, I think, especially if the piece of drama is also talking about end of life choices and the sort of dignity with which we end our lives or don’t end our lives. I think if you have a character that has some agency over that, it helps with that conversation.”

Supernova draws attention to the ongoing debate surrounding end-of-life choices in a potent, heartbreaking way. Today, in the UK, people with terminal illnesses who want to die on their own terms are still not legally allowed to do so – they must travel abroad to receive the treatment they need. Macqueen was eager to centre that discussion in his film.

“It’s something that I’m massively passionate about, and the bridging of dementia with end of life choices is one of the main reasons that I wanted to make the film in the first place,” Macqueen says. 

“I think it’s an inspiring debate and I think it’s one that we need to keep having in this country. It’s no one’s job to tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t do with their lives, or indeed with the end of their lives, but I would personally say that we aren’t in a position in this country at the moment where we are allowing people a dignified choice of how they live or how they don’t live at the end of their lives.

“I think that’s a real shame in a modern democracy, and I think we need to be doing something about that right now – and in fact we are. The film is part of that dialogue, and a lot of people are doing great work in parliament at the moment to make that conversation happen in a more structured way.”

Macqueen met people while researching Supernova “who are no longer with us” – some of them travelled to countries where assisted dying is legal. 

“I think the united thing in all of those people’s experience was how much of a shame it was that they were having to do that, to make that choice, or to do what they wanted to do in secret,” Macqueen says. “That doesn’t have to be the way it is, and it doesn’t have to be the situation people find themselves in. I think it’s a really important debate and one I hope we have as a community really soon.”

Supernova is released in UK cinemas on 25 June.

Compromise to safeguard LGBT rights – New York Daily News

I know, it sounds like I’m dumping all the concessions on the trans community. But if the Equality Act passes, members of the transgender community, like all LGBT people, will get a law that improves their daily lives by prohibiting employers from making hiring or firing decisions based on “sexual orientation or gender identity,” and ensuring equal access to stores, restaurants, mortgage lenders, hotels, apartments and doctors.

Recolour The Rainbow: The Gay Liberation Front make a stand in 1971 – Gay Times Magazine

During Pride, only one rainbow deserves to be seen. That’s why SKITTLES® has given up its rainbow to re-colour moments from Pride’s history. In partnership with GAY TIMES, Switchboard and Queer Britain, the Recolour The Rainbow campaign has breathed new life into archive imagery to acknowledge and celebrate those who have come before us in the fight for LGBTQ+ liberation.

Alongside the recolouring of four black and white images, we have delved deeper into the stories of the people featured in the photographs to find out their memories of the moment, and to spotlight and preserve queer history for a new generation.

It’s London in 1971. The sound of Simon & Garfunkel’s Bridge Over Troubled Water echoes through the streets, glamorous photos of Barbara Streisand were released and her rise to gay icon status was well and truly on its way. But despite this, there is an overwhelming silence towards all things LGBTQ+. Andrew Lumsden, the man with the mustache in the photo uses the Italian word ‘omertà’ to describe it: ‘Don’t say a word, keep silent.’ Despite the changing of the Sexual Offences Act in 1967, there were still about six different laws which could negatively affect the community, Andrew explains. “Gay men were the obvious ones because there were two specific laws against sexual conduct by gay men at any age. But there were other laws to do with indecency and behavior in public which could affect anybody LGBTQ+. Lesbians suffered from that awful thing: silence.”

Through this dark period, there were moments of light. Radical drag was finding a place in the consciousness. It wasn’t the same as commercial drag; radical drag was reclaiming the right to wear any kind of clothes. “On one occasion I spent seven weeks wearing a skirt wherever I went,” Andrew recalls.

Andrew, who was 28 at the time, was not a member of the Gay Liberation Front youth group, but was asked and encouraged to come along on the day. He was due to speak after Michael Mason, the man in the picture at the microphone. “I wasn’t nervous, I’d done a lot of speaking in public at meetings,” he says. “I decided to be brief and it was something along these lines: ‘You may have often seen demonstrations in Trafalgar Square. You may have often seen demonstrations against the bomb campaign for nuclear disarmament, and you will have seen that there are always MPs up on the platform, lending their support to the campaign for nuclear disarmament and occasionally other causes. There are no MPs on this platform. There are no out MPs. You won’t see an MP on this platform.’”

The Gay Liberation Front began to change everyone’s attitudes towards LGBTQ+ people. Upon its beginnings, a manifesto was written with demands on how things could change. They did fight for their own liberation, but also the liberation of others. Through the ideals of being proud and open about who you were, you could create a ripple of change amongst those who knew you. “We often worked out that between 8 and 10 straight people’s lives would be altered by having a relative who joined the Gay Liberation Front. Unless they never heard that it had happened. But if they knew it had happened, then they learned what had been concealed from them for all previous centuries about the reality of queer people.”

7 Queer Designers On Style, Identity, & Community – The Zoe Report


To be queer is to be in a constant state of self-discovery — about who we are and who we love, naturally, but also about what clothes make us feel most like ourselves. Personal style is inextricably tied to identity, and both are as much about the journey as the destination: All those drastic haircuts and experimental outfits and ill-advised trends are essential steps along the way. For queer designers, they are both embodying and creating that identity for others.

“I think as queer people, no matter how wonderful and accepting of a community you have, we’re always exploring and experimenting, whether that’s in order to fit in or in order to stand out,” says the designer Daniella Kallmeyer.

She recalls a quote from the LGBTQ+ activist Alexander Leon: “Queer people don’t grow up as ourselves; we grow up playing a version of ourselves that sacrifices authenticity to minimize humiliation and prejudice. The massive task of our adult lives is to unpick which parts of ourselves are truly us and which parts we’ve created to protect us.”

Fashion is one of the best tools we have to express ourselves, find community, and communicate without needing to say a word. For many young queer people, fashion is also an escape — a place where individuality and creativity are celebrated, rather than spurned.

For Pride Month, TZR asked seven favorite queer designers to reflect on how fashion has helped shape their identities and what queer style means to them.

Becca McCharen-Tran, Chromat

“As a lesbian, when I stopped centering the male gaze in my life — when I realized that I didn’t care what men thought at all and I didn’t have to appeal to men ever, romantically or otherwise — that definitely changed the way that I dressed. I feel like there’s a certain way of wearing your hair or putting on makeup that is sort of vested in the male gaze, and I really enjoy more severe hair and makeup. I remember getting a lot of feedback from male classmates, like, ‘Oh, you’re so intimidating.’ But I just don’t care.

I think as a young fashion designer, what you wear is your calling card. It’s how you tell the world, ‘I’m a fashion designer and this is what I do and this is what I love and this is what I make.’ And now, 10 years in, Chromat is a little more well-known where I don’t feel like I need to be performing my job at all times, so I’m a little more low-key. But when I watched Euphoria and saw Jules, the young fashion designer, the way she does her makeup and wears really cool, experimental things, that’s something I’m trying to reactivate in myself. Because I think 10 years in, I did become a little jaded. I just wear T-shirts and pants and just focus all my creative energy on making the clothes. But now I do feel like I want to get back into it.

I feel like I still am always so excited to meet a lesbian or trans person that is a fashion designer.

When Jenna Lyons came out… that was very exciting for me because I just didn’t see that. I felt like lesbians were kind of the polar opposite of the queer spectrum that you get in fashion. Lesbians don’t care how people perceive them; they don’t care necessarily about looking cool or looking sexy. It’s sort of a rejection of so much of the culture of fashion.

“Continuing to expand this idea of what is deemed desirable or whose bodies are celebrated and whose are hidden, that’s something that is informed by being queer and being surrounded by queer community.”

My wife, Christina, just bought her third pair of Birkenstocks, and to me, that is lesbian living. We’re always making jokes about cargo short lesbians and how we’re basically retiring into that genre. But I do think cargo short lesbian style is so true to that rejection of the male gaze and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I think it’s awesome.

I’m doing a collaboration right now with the filmmaker Tourmaline, who’s a trans woman of color. She approached me about wanting to make swimwear for trans girls who don’t tuck. So we’re making swimwear bottoms that have more room in the front, and of course, matching bikini tops. I think continuing to expand this idea of what is deemed desirable or whose bodies are celebrated and whose are hidden, that’s something that is informed by being queer and being surrounded by queer community.”

Curtis Cassell, Queera

“I feel like I’m queer first and gay second because queer is what I wear myself every day. I believe in a level of transcendentalism in fashion: Some days I want to look like a boy, some days I want to be ultra-femme, and I think you can have that duality and everything in between. So what I do as a designer supports that. Binary people can get clothes anywhere else, so I don’t want to make binary clothing.

In mainstream fashion, even when it’s boundary-pushing, it’s a PR stunt. It’s like, ‘Ooh, this designer put a boy in a corset.’ And it always feels like a circus. It never feels like a genuine representation of a real person… I have had a couple of people be like, ‘Oh, you dress for attention.’ And I’m like, ‘I don’t dress for attention. I was dressing for other people for the first 18 years of my life to hide myself. Now I’m able to fully express myself without any shame or embarrassment or hiding from anyone or apologizing.’ It’s self-representation. It’s not flashy. It’s melancholic and romantic and dramatic, but it’s never just for the attention.

I think the real pivot point for me was when I was 25 and I bought a pair of 4-inch white Baby Spice platform shoes. They reminded me of when I was in fifth grade and all my girlfriends had these wedge Skechers and I wanted a pair, but my mom was like, ‘No, those are for girls.’ And so when I saw these shoes, I was like, ‘You’re 25. You can wear whatever the f*ck you want.’ And ever since then, I’ve been buying little things like this sparkly silver bag or this Spice Girls clutch or I got my ears pierced. It’s like the Infinity Stones from The Avengers — I feel like I’m collecting these gay items that I wanted for my youth and becoming powerful.


I never studied fashion. Fashion became my medium. I used to work at a wedding venue, and we would all talk about the brides and grooms and what they were wearing and what we wanted to wear for our weddings. But I worked with an all-gay staff, pretty much, and the first question was still, ‘Do you want to wear a suit or a dress?’ And I was like, ‘Why is there such a gap here? It’s literally black and white.’ That’s when I was like, ‘Oh, this is my project. I need to make a space for queer people within bridal.’ Because it’s so binary, it’s so traditional, it’s borderline archaic. I didn’t even like the term ‘bridal,’ which is where the name ‘Queera Wang‘ came from. Because it was an homage to Vera Wang, it implied bridal without saying it. It was kind of like a sassy, gay drag name.

I don’t use the colors black and white at all because I don’t even want it to be like, ‘This is the bride. This is the groom.’ Burn it all down. Bridal is patriarchy. We need to reinvent this stuff.”

Daniella Kallmeyer, KALLMEYER

“My identity is reflected in my ability to go from high glam to soft butch without question that I am the sum of my parts.

To be queer is not about what we wear on the outside — for me, I am attracted to the way people posture. Whether it’s how someone slouches her pants when her hands are in her pockets or casual confidence in a dress. It’s Harry Styles in a lace shirt and Billy Porter in a ball gown. Most days I’m in an oversize blazer because as an artist I feel comfortable in a uniform, but the exercise and privilege to be entirely oneself on the inside while changing how we look on the outside is an ongoing practice. And like fashion, having permission to change how we feel as we educate and evolve. Nothing is fixed. In a way, fashion is a beautiful metaphor for identity.

Was it fashion that influenced my identity? I think it was much more that my identity influenced the way that, as a designer and as a creative, I experimented with fashion and rejected certain norms and experimented with clothing that was from a different time or not necessarily made ‘for me.’

I was always interested in suiting on women. I was incredibly attracted to images of women throughout history that were strong and played with this idea of nonbinary clothing, like Katharine Hepburn and Marlene Dietrich.

I grew up very involved in theater and performance and I was a competitive figure skater, so costume was very much part of my life and my world. But it wasn’t really until I was in high school that I realized that fashion is not the same as costume. And especially now, I feel like I strive to make clothes so that we wear them and they don’t wear us.


I think that people think of the queer aesthetic as being very eccentric or colorful or punk rock. And at the time when I was coming out and building my career, there wasn’t a lot of place for something that was youthful, refined, and professional without making me feel overly feminine, which for me felt like costume and like I was putting on a mask of fitting in. So I experimented in so many ways — I wore cutoff tank tops and wore the fit of my jeans differently. There was a period of time when I was coming out when I shaved part of my head.

All of these things were not only for me to be comfortable in myself, but they were also, in a way, signaling. I think when you are straight-passing — meaning that you can walk down the street or into a business meeting and people just assume that you’re straight — you want so much to be accepted and known and seen. And so we try to pick up these small visual signals in order to be part of the world that we fit into the most while also fitting into the world that we are already part of.”

Jacques Agbobly, Black Boy Knits

“I’m originally from Togo, West Africa. As a designer, I’m someone who does unisex clothing, but I’m always thinking about it from a womenswear lens because I grew up with a lot of women in my life who inspired me. I would always revel in the way that they dressed and I wanted to be like them and dress like them. But as a Black man growing up in a society that had very strict gender assignments, that was not possible. And so a lot of the clothes that I make allude to traditional womenswear details, but I love to put them on people who identify more on the masculine spectrum.

I do a lot of ruffling, I do a lot of florals, a lot of handwork, beading, embroidery. And knitting, specifically. I recently launched my knitwear brand called Black Boy Knits. I’ve always been interested in launching something that highlights that I’m a queer Black man knitting, which isn’t something that you often see. It’s still considered taboo.

Beading, weaving, all these sorts of crafts were associated with the women when I was growing up, so I never felt like I could engage in them. But I always loved them. When I’m beading or when I’m knitting, that’s when I can process a lot of things that are happening in my life. That’s when I feel like I can take a break from the world and just focus on this.

I guess in a way, discovering fashion helped me better understand myself, whether culturally or in terms of sexual identity or gender identity. Through making clothing and through creating these fantastical ideas and dreams and aspirations that I had growing up, I was able to discover myself.

I graduated from Parsons School of Design a year and some months ago, and my community is the people who are in the studio with me every single day. I’ve surrounded myself with a lot of queer Black folks — people who will always work together … so if one person needs help finishing something or figuring out how to do some specific thing, it’s one of us who will lend a helping hand. Part of my practice as a designer is always making sure that I’m continuing to support the people within my community that may not be getting the same opportunities as me, so we just create this cycle of support for one another.

Jacques Agobobly

Queer designers have always been here, but because they didn’t get the support that they needed financially, we just never got to know about them. Especially queer Black designers, there haven’t been a lot of us who have gotten global recognition or success in the same way that white queer people have gotten. I would definitely love to see more queer Black folks getting funding opportunities and mentorship opportunities because we do exist but we’re not going to grow unless we get that support.”

Kelsey Randall, Kelsey Randall

“My aesthetic has always been pretty flamboyant and over the top. I’m completely inspired by queer music icons — always with the Bowie inspo and Freddie Mercury … that kind of thing. I’ve just always looked at rock stars as my aesthetic. For me, growing up in the South, fashion was a way that I could just be myself and stand out from the crowd, even though I wasn’t necessarily comfortable vocally stating my own queer identity at the time. Fashion was a tool to just be like, ‘I’m different. I’m not going to fit into this conservative, preppy mold.’

I moved to New York when I was 18 to go to Parsons and study fashion. It was a queer community, but it was a queer male community that was completely dominated by gay men. It took so long for me to even meet other queer women because I wasn’t exposed to it in the fashion community I was in. I first started my line six years ago this August, and I remember in these early meetings with potential investors, everyone wanted to know, ‘Who’s the Kelsey Randall woman?’ They want it to be so defined, and I would go in and say things like, ‘Well, the Kelsey Randall person is as unique as they want to be.’ People didn’t really understand that … people just could not wrap their heads around that there wasn’t a target demographic.

It’s just, to me, so close-minded and boring. I really feel like I gained the confidence in the last few years to break free of that and just be way more willing to seek out inclusivity, whether it’s size inclusivity, gender, ethnicity — across the board. Because that’s the kind of world I want to live in. For me now I realize it’s more about designing these really special, unique pieces that, even though there might only be this one person for this garment, at the end of the day, it’s going to be something that makes them feel incredible and unique and different.

A lot of the women that I design clothes for, they’ve really embraced a super feminine look as being a very powerful one, especially on stage. They kind of eschew this idea that female rock stars need to be grungy or masculine to shred on the guitar. It’s been great working with women who have embraced this idea of, ‘No, I want to completely play my instrument out there wearing ruffles and pink and totally embracing this feminine energy.’”

Kingsley Gbadegesin, K.NGSLEY

“Fashion raised me in a way. It taught me how to show up for myself, and there was a certain growth and consciousness that came with that. It also enabled me to become a business person, helped sharpen my critical thinking, and gave me joy that knows no bounds. It’s hard to explain — how so many nuances of who I was, am, and hope to be are wrapped up in the world of fashion. In many ways, in the essence of who we are and what fashion makes possible for people, it’s a language unspoken.

I didn’t really have queer role models growing up. My role models have always been women. Strong women, independent women, women who, when they spoke, moved mountains. They had a presence about them, something of a weapon I’d later find out to be fashion as well. It’s the way they showed up for themselves and didn’t seek or need the approval of anyone else that broke open new possibilities in my own way of living. They were humble, yet proud. Classy, but so sexy. Tough, but soft by way of strength.

To be really real, so often these days I am in Nike shorts, an oversize tee, and sneakers. One thing people tend to forget is that I’m a team of one. I’m very hands-on because customer experience is everything. From packing our online sales to meeting with pattern makers, working with my production offices, and running samples between editors, I’m always on the go.

However, in my work, in the styling of my pieces — you can see parts of who I am and the communities I’m a part of. This is less about me and more about the ways I believe clothing can empower people to be their truest selves. And I’m very excited about the release of Collection 1, Act 1. You really get to see my personal style, my personality, and my beliefs reflected.

My work is as much about identity as it is about how it makes people feel. How it makes identity more than an internal reflection. How it can make it real.


There is a certain feeling clothes give me. It’s very emotional. I can show you everything I am without saying a word. Clothes have always been like armor, a confidence boost for facing the outside world. That’s what I hope to bring forth and make possible for others through my work.

One thing I’ve noticed with queer youth today is that they’re not afraid to show up fully as themselves. I admire that so deeply. I wish I had the courage, space, and opportunity to fully show up for myself when I was a kid like the youth of today have. Something I’ve already seen as they embrace my work is that they’re unabashed to show up for themselves and it’s truly an honor to share space with them because it feels like we are being more fully seen and we can more safely and openly share dimensions of what it means to be THE GIRLS.”

Sheena Sood, Abacaxi

“For me, fashion is one of the best ways to express myself, my identity, my mood, my culture. Some people can express themselves more comfortably via words, but in a way, fashion is just another language, and it can be easier for me to use fashion to express something instead of saying it out loud.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. In my high school, I didn’t really fit in. I wasn’t athletic and I went to a big sports school. I was one of the few brown kids. So there were a lot of ways in which I was othered. I think fashion started as a way for me to fit in, but as I started to be known for my style and my outfits, I took note that people were responding well to that and it became a mode of self-expression. I guess that’s when I realized the power in telling stories through style. I didn’t have the same confidence then that I do now, but that’s how it started.

I didn’t come out until later, but I was queer in a lot of different ways, regardless of whether or not I was out.

Around that same time in high school, Frida Kahlo became a fashion role model for me in the way that she incorporated her heritage and traditions into her dress during a time when it wasn’t popular to do that. And she embraced her queerness through her style as well. Obviously, everyone thinks of her eyebrows first, and she embraced that quality in herself. I see her as someone who expressed her identity through what she wore and the way that she dressed herself.

“I was queer in a lot of different ways, regardless of whether or not I was out.”

I’ve always had an obsession with color and if you look at my work, that’s one thing that unites all of it. I think that’s really tied to my heritage, actually. Color is in my blood. But there’s also something about my obsession with rainbows. They’re all over my work in some way or another.

I’ve been really inspired by [the gender-nonconforming writer and performer] Alok Menon and his de-gender fashion movement. His message is basically that clothes don’t have gender, which is true. We assign gender to them: This is women’s, this is men’s. But the clothes are genderless. It’s the person who wears them who has gender. As Abacaxi’s clientele is growing, and as my range of designs is growing and changing and expanding as the brand gets bigger, I hope to attract more clientele of all genders.

Within the South Asian community, the representation you see is not necessarily as diverse. You don’t see as many out trans or queer people. So I think that a lot of people in my community are excited to see a queer brown designer.”

European Leaders Trash Hungary’s Anti-LGBT Law at EU Summit – Foreign Policy

Here is today’s Foreign Policy brief: EU leaders agree on Belarus sanctions but not on Russia policy, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani visits the White House, and Vice President Kamala Harris visits the U.S.-Mexico border.

If you would like to receive Morning Brief in your inbox every weekday, please sign up here.

Here is today’s Foreign Policy brief: EU leaders agree on Belarus sanctions but not on Russia policy, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani visits the White House, and Vice President Kamala Harris visits the U.S.-Mexico border.

If you would like to receive Morning Brief in your inbox every weekday, please sign up here.

EU Denounces Hungary, Disagrees on Russia

European leaders enter the second day of the European Council today to focus on economic issues following a day of discord, as disagreements on diplomacy and human rights came to the fore in Brussels.

The most heated words were reserved for Hungary, as EU member states lined up to condemn a law recently passed by the Hungarian parliament outlawing the portrayal of content featuring gay or transgender people. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte led the criticism, telling reporters that Hungary must respect fundamental human rights “which are not negotiable—or they must leave.”

While Hungary has few defenders of its anti-LGBT law, members are more evenly divided on a path forward for relations with Russia. A surprise proposal announced by France and Germany on Wednesday called for a resumption of high-level engagement with Russia, frozen since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014.

Biden envy. Austrian Prime Minister Sebastian Kurz welcomed the Franco-German proposal, citing Europe’s proximity to Russia, and lamented that Europe could not match the summit between U.S. president Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The EU cannot simply watch as the U.S. and Russia are having a dialogue,” Kurz said.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis voiced his opposition to the plan, telling the Financial Times that a high-level meeting could be seen as a reward for Russia’s unpredictable behavior in the region. “To fall into a trap once or twice may be regarded as a misfortune, but to continue doing so decade after decade looks like historical myopia,” Landsbergis said.

In the end, EU leaders failed to agree, offering a watered-down statement promising to “explore formats and conditionalities of dialogue with Russia.” German Chancellor Angela Merkel will not have the chance to make the case a second time, as a new German leader will be installed once the European Council meets again in October.

Belarus sanctions. EU members were united when it came to Belarus, approving sweeping sanctions against Russia’s neighbor for the forced landing of a Ryanair flight in May in order to arrest a Belarusian dissident. The EU actions go far beyond the individual level sanctions imposed so far, targeting core sectors including potash, Belarus’s primary export, as well as petroleum products and tobacco.

As Vladislav Davidzon writes in Foreign Policy, EU treatment of Belarus is driving the country’s autocratic leader Aleksandr Lukashenko closer to Russia. The Kremlin “doesn’t actually want to be stuck with the aged, incompetent, brutal, and increasingly erratic Lukashenko,” Davidzon writes, but, for now, it sees no alternative.

What We’re Following Today

Biden’s Afghan summit. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and chairperson of the High Council for National Reconciliation Abdullah Abdullah visit U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House today to “highlight the enduring partnership” between the two countries, according to a White House statement.

The talks come as Taliban forces have swept through northern Afghanistan in recent days, capturing towns and stoking fears of an imminent governmental collapse. As Michael Kugelman wrote in a preview of the meeting in Thursday’s South Asia Brief, Biden will likely bring a message of reassurance, although Ghani will want more concrete commitments from the U.S. president.

Biden’s promise to fully withdraw from the country was put into question on Thursday when the Associated Press reported that at least 650 U.S. soldiers will remain in the country to help guard the U.S. Embassy and secure Kabul’s airport.

Harris’s border visit. U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris visits the U.S. border with Mexico today, appearing to cave to months of pressure from Republicans who have demanded such a visit and one week after former President Trump announced his own border appearance on June 30. White House sources have rejected the notion that Harris’s visit is a response to opposition pressure. Harris, who has been tasked with addressing immigration from the southern border, will travel to El Paso, Texas, with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The trip comes amid a shake-up in the U.S. border patrol agency, after it was reported on Wednesday that its leader Rodney Scott, appointed in the final year of the Trump administration, would be removed from his post.

Russia vs. U.K. in the Black Sea. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said his country would respond aggressively to any attempts by other countries to enter waters off Crimea that it deems Russian territory. Referring to Russia’s allegation of measures it took to deter the HMS Defender, a British ship that sailed close to Crimea on Wednesday, he said Russian forces “may drop bombs and not just in the path but right on target.”

Speaking to the BBC, the Defender’s captain, Vince Owen, said the vessel’s path was deliberately taken to uphold its right to navigation in an area it deems part of Ukraine’s territory. Ukraine and the United Kingdom deepened naval ties on Wednesday, when the two countries signed an agreement to boost Ukraine’s naval capabilities and create new naval bases in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov.

Keep an Eye On

French elections. French voters return to the polls on Sunday for the second round of regional elections as Marine Le Pen’s National Rally attempts to win control of one of France’s 18 regions for the first time. National Rally has targeted Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur as its most promising region, but its chances of victory were reduced this week as the Green party candidate pulled out to boost National Rally’s rival, Renaud Muselier of the center-right Republicans.

Canada’s Indigenous reckoning. An Indigenous group announced the discovery of the remains of as many as 751 people, mostly children on the site of a former boarding school in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan on Thursday. It is the largest such discovery to date, and comes after 215 unmarked graves were uncovered on the grounds of a former boarding school in British Columbia. The revelations have led to increased calls from Indigenous groups for greater independence. The findings have spurred a search in the United States at former boarding schools which were similarly used as a way to forcibly assimilate Indigenous children. This week, China used the example of Canada’s past actions toward its Indigenous peoples to deflect criticism of its treatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang.

Odds and Ends

China has announced plans to send a crewed mission to Mars in 2033, kicking off a new space race to reach the red planet. Wang Xiaojun, head of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, laid out China’s plans at a conference in Russia this month, adding that more missions would follow in 2035, 2037, 2041, and 2043. The announcement comes as China has hit a number of space milestones this year—landing its first rover on Mars in May, and sending astronauts to its own space station, Tianhe, earlier this month. The plans are likely to be closely watched by U.S. space agency NASA, which has planned its own crewed mission to Mars via the moon to take place at some point in the 2030s.

Tyler the Creator’s new album blows fans away and tops trends list – TimesLIVE


Musician Tyler the Creator has released his sixth studio album, Call Me If You Get Lost, and his fans are already calling it the album of the century.

Coming off the high from the success of his 2019 LP Igor, Tyler has delighted fans with his latest 10-track album. Call Me If You Get Lost features some of the biggest names in music including Lil Wayne, Lil Uzi Vert, Brent Faiyaz, Ty Dolla Sign and NBA YoungBoy.

Comedian and media personality Jay Versace produced the track Safari alongside Tyler. 

Shortly after the release of the full-length album, music lovers took to Twitter to weigh in about it.

The star received high praise from fans and critics, and all that commentary around his latest project /made sure he landed on the Twitter trends list. Many were taken aback by the artist’s controversial lyrics, but the album earned gold stars from the internet.

Check out the reactions below:

Attacks on LGBT people in Azerbaijan are becoming more frequent – JAMnews

With so much misinformation cavalierly and cynically tossed around, it is vitally important that the societies in the Caucasus benefit from journalism that is fact-checked and unbiased, balanced and sensitive. JAMnews has been giving them just that. A full-fledged newsroom presence in almost every part of the region – committed teams of editors and reporters, SMM managers and translators, experts and citizen contributors – has allowed it to always stay on top of national breaking news stories, while also keeping an eye on the not so obvious, but none the less important, issues and trends that are overlooked by others. Now, we all need your support if we are to keep the ball of what we do rolling. Every contribution you make, however small, means we can continue. Thank you

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A Denver man from Jordan opens up about his struggles as a gay man in the Middle East – The Denver Channel

DENVER — The thought of holding another man’s hand in public was once a far-fetched dream for Luai Qubain, a man raised in the Middle East; but those days are behind him as he gives his husband a kiss while sitting on a bench in Cheesman Park.

Qubain’s fight to live an authentic life still haunts him. He detailed his past in his book, “The Kingdom’s Sandcastle.”

Qubain grew up Catholic in Jordan and was the youngest of two kids. He recalls always having a feminine side.

He was in 7th grade when he realized he was attracted to his gym teacher.

“I started feeling feelings that I had never experience before,” Qubain said.

The feelings fueled his search for his true identity.

“I realized I was gay,” Qubain said.

But as man in the Middle East, the revelation was something he had to keep secret — even from his family — which he did for more than 16 years.

“Being gay there is not ‘just a sin.’ It’s a crime in a lot of countries in the Middle East. It’s punishable by death,” Qubain said.

Same-sex relationships are a crime in 68 countries, and while Jordan isn’t one of them, Qubain adds that the threat is evident among families.

“If it’s not legally punishable by death, your family would punish you by killing you,” Qubain said.

In May of 2020, an LGBTQIA civil rights group claimed a 20-year-old Iranian man was murdered by his family after discovering he was gay.

Qubain said he knew the dangers he would face if he came out as openly gay in his country. He said he experienced depression and, at one point, started hating himself for his identity and all of the obstacles he faced.

Qubain lost his mother when he was 18 years old; she was his support system growing up. He says he never told her he was gay but adds that she knew and accepted him for who he was.

Months after her death, he met another closeted gay man and they began a relationship, but it turned volatile. Qubain said, at one point, the man threatened to tell people he was gay.

“He ended up abusing me physically, emotionally, sexually, raping me even for almost 18 months,” Qubain said. “I knew that if I went to my family for help or to the authorities, I’m either going to get laughed at or I’m going to get killed and thrown in jail.”

In 2007, Qubain fled Jordan with $200 in his pocket and enrolled in college in Oklahoma.

“Escape is the only way that I would survive, the only way to find peace,” Qubain wrote in his book.

He said after living in the United States for seven years, he came out to his father.

“I haven’t talked to him ever since,” Qubain said.

After countless years of struggling with his identity, Qubain found the love of his life and got married in 2017.

“I’m married to a wonderful husband who supports me and loves me unconditionally,” Qubain said.

As he walks through his apartment, he says his life, at times, still feels so surreal.

“To this very day I struggle with depression, PTSD, anxiety, and it’s very difficult,” Qubain said.

This Pride month, he and his husband are excited to celebrate their freedom to be their true selves: two men in love.

“We are very fortunate to be living in the U.S. We are very lucky. Not a lot of people get to experience freedom, experience love, experience being married to the love of their life,” Qubain said.

By sharing his story, Qubain wants to call attention to Middle Eastern countries where people continue to hide their true identity because it puts their lives at risk. He says he’s not sure how he can create change but hopes his book sheds light on the dangers people face in other parts of the world. And for those living in fear, he wants to breathe hope of a brighter future.

“Life is worth living, love is out there, and you are going to find it,” Qubain said. “Acceptance is out there, and you are going to find it.”

Political and Personal: Images of Gay Identity – Flintside

This exhibition features selections from the Jack B. Pierson Print Collection that includes works on paper by artists from around the globe. Drawing on Pierson’s experience as a gay man, Political and Personal: Images of Gay Identity sheds light on the important role sexual identity played in forming his collecting habits and highlights the work of several well-known and lesser-known gay artists. 
In addition, the works of heterosexual artists are featured, contextualized through their homoerotic subject matter (informed by classical mythology and admiration for male athleticism) or the supportive content of their political messages.

Through highlighting public identity and activism, dissecting historic complexities of the gay male gaze, and considering the pensive and private moments of gay love and attraction, this exhibition captures the multi-dimensional nature of gay identity in the 20th century. 

This exhibition was originally scheduled for 2020 but was moved to 2021 due to the Covid-19 closure of the FIA.

Images are available upon request and interviews may be scheduled for in-person or zoom.

Political and Personal: Images of Gay Identity is on view through July 11, 2021.

‘All Discrimination Comes from Ignorance.’ Meet the Chinese Ex-Cop Creating a Global LGBTQ+ Community – TIME

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‘I told my entire network that I am gay’ – Financial Times

The author is a partner at City law firm Addleshaw Goddard

Earlier this month I wrote a post on LinkedIn that I’d been waiting to hit send on for possibly two months, but had been contemplating for several years. I had drafted the post time and again, rewritten it, then deleted it. Now the time felt right. In the post, I told my entire professional network that I’m gay and married to my husband Dave, and that as a gay man working in a senior position within financial services, I’ve faced discrimination.

I wrote about how someone whom I once regularly advised at a bank about 11 years ago found out about my sexuality. Because of this, he said he was no longer able to instruct me as his lawyer. This was said in a calm, to-the-point and business-like way, similar (I assume) to how a lawyer may be disinstructed because of poor performance, service delivery or bad advice. But this man made it clear that his decision solely related to my sexuality. Something which, of course, I can’t do anything about.

It was a jarring experience and one that stayed with me, adding to a fear that I share with many LGBTQ+ people, that though organisations may have practices to curtail discrimination, there are still many people who don’t want to work with us because of our sexuality. 

I have been “out” as gay to colleagues for most of my career and I can’t think of one negative experience I have had. As a junior lawyer, some 20 years ago, the partners encouraged me to be open about my sexuality, reassuring me that doing so would not have an impact on my career — and it never has within my own firm.

Where it’s been more of a challenge for me, and I suspect many others in the professional services sector, is in the business networking environment that is so key to generating clients, contacts and ultimately income.

So much of my role, leading social, sustainable and green finance for a law firm, is about the relationships you build outside the office. As much as I want to always fly the flag for the LGBTQ+ people, in situations with new or prospective clients I’ve often found myself expertly manoeuvring the conversation away from my home life.

I am in no way saying that most people working in business hold negative views — that’s absolutely not the case — but there’s always the worry. And then there’s the well-intentioned awkward assumption in networking, where a phrase like, “What does your wife do?” can hollow out a networking conversation at lighting speed.

For me, it only took that one example from a (former) client to totally inhibit me about being open about my sexuality with new and prospective clients for the next decade.

I hope, and expect, that overt discrimination is increasingly rare in the City. But more needs to be done to ensure that clandestine bias isn’t allowed to go unchallenged. Business leaders need to look beyond their workforce to ensure that overt or less-overt discrimination isn’t occurring within the wider business community under their watch.

The people who have acted as allies to me throughout my career have been essential and I’m deeply grateful to them. I encourage any leaders — or in fact anyone — to speak up in social, work and business network circles for LGBTQ+ rights. It might seem like gesturing, but vocal support for any minority group is a powerful tool for changing perceptions and helping people to be open about who they are.

My post had an overwhelming outpouring of support, including from colleagues, clients and even politicians — more than I could have imagined. People have told me about similar experiences they’ve had, and how, still, some find it incredibly difficult to come out at work. Young professionals who had been open about their sexuality at university have, I’ve learnt, sometimes felt the need to re-enter the closet when starting work in the City. 

Pride month, now in its 51st year, is a good time for organisations to start to go under the hood, to stamp out hidden discrimination in every form. Without it, the business world is being deprived of talented, hard-working people who will excel when they can be their true selves.

After sharing this part of myself across my entire business network, to everyone I work with and hope to work with in the future, I feel professionally unburdened for the first time in my career.

More importantly, I can say to my husband that I’m proud of our life together and not hiding our relationship from anyone. To be able to share such a basic part of one’s life shouldn’t be considered a privilege, and I do hope that within just a few years — with the support of businesses and allies — nobody will again have to fear that being themselves at work might come with a cost to their career.

5 things to do in downtown Shreveport – Shreveport Times

Pride Month concludes with a LOT of activities downtown. Free-range donuts are what’s for breakfast at the Shreveport Farmers’ Market, pop in and pop up at Lake Street Bar for commerce and convo (and a frosty margarita,) and find Susan (and Madonna and Rosanna) at Robinson Film Center for Heels & Reels. You, too, can dance for inspiration in our #CoolDowntown.

This Week @ The Lot

1.    Show your flag at Pride Weekend at The Lot, three days of events starting with Friday Pride Night & Drag Show with June Cleavage, and Saturday’s Pride Weekend Market with art, food, and music. It wraps up Sunday with a tasty brunch and live tunes from the Dirty Redd Band. Show support, love and unity while enjoying food, fun and spirits. When: Fri.- Sun, June 25-27, various times. Where: 400 Crockett Street. Cost: Various. Info: FB/the lot 

Shreveport Farmers Market

2.    Shreveport Farmers’ Market is BACK after a one-week hiatus. Be a peach and join the fresh bunch at Festival Plaza for all things garden grown, tasty and delicious. When: Sat., June 26, 7:30 am- 12:30 pm. Where: Festival Plaza, 101 Crockett St. Cost: Free to attend. Info: FB/shreveport farmers market

Old Skool Hip Hop Pop Up

3.    Saturday’s a great day for Commerce and Conversations at Lake Street Bar. More than 20 businesses will be set up to show off their wares ranging from colorful rubber purses, jewelry, clothing, sweet treats, art and more. Margaritas will be pouring, too, at just $5 per glass. When: Sat., June 26, 1-6 pm. Where: Lake St. Bar, 315 Lake St. Cost: Free Admission. Info: FB/rydaz bar

Field Gay After Party and Drag Show

4.    The Korner Lounge hosts the Shreveport Field Gay After Party and Drag Show with the Korner Girls Revue performing all their favorite numbers. Prior to the show will be a moment of remembrance for the Stonewall Anniversary. When: Sat., June 26, 10:30 pm. Where: Korner Lounge, 800 Louisiana Avenue. Cost: $8. Info: FB/the korner lounge

Desperately Seeking Susan

5.    It’s fun to be a material girl when you are Desperately Seeking Susan at Robinson Film Center! The campy Madonna/Rosanna Arquette film romp combines bored housewives, personal ads and a mobster, as well as an up-and-coming Madonna. The Heels & Reels event includes dinner and the movie.  When: Tues., June 29, 6 pm. Where: RFC, 617 Texas St. Cost: $22/$29 per person (meal included). Info: robinsonfilmcenter.org

NYT’s Mara Gay: Experts say rising crime is due to ‘trauma,’ ‘grief’ ‘upheaval’ our country has faced – Fox News

New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to assess the increase in crime that’s occurred across the country. 

“I think there’s a couple of things going on here. The United States has a gun problem… We have too many guns on our streets so we need federal action to get them off the streets because individual states and cities, like New York, cannot stop the flow of guns from coming into New York City, for example, without federal action,” Gay began. “Just rational action to prevent bad actors from getting their hands on guns. That’s the first thing.”


She then pointed to “people” who study “violence and crime” will say that it’s “too soon to know and understand” why the crime spike is taking place. 

“But those who have worked on this issue for a very long time know- what they will tell you is that this is not surprising given the level of disruption, trauma, grief, joblessness, homelessness, and just general upheaval that the United States has gone through, particularly communities of color and people living in poverty across the United States,” the MSNBC contributor said. 


Gay continued, “So we do, I believe, need to make sure that police have the right resources to do the job well. That funding should come with accountability, it should come with reform and it should also come, I believe- and I don’t think that this is that different from what you’re seeing from many, many people are saying- it should come with some discussion of funding for other things that can help reduce violence and that can include cure violence programs, violence interrupter programs, but also after school programs, athletic associations, jobs.” 

She added, “People need help in their lives to stay away from crime and it’s not only police that should be the tool.”

FREE: A look into the beginning of gay rights in Minneapolis – Minnesota Daily

What started as a class turned into an LGBTQ+ rights movement.


FREE members participating in one of their many pickets. Founder Koreen Phelps can be seen in a dark sleeveless turtleneck to the right. Photo courtesy of the Jean-Nickolaus Tretter GLBT Collection.

A month before the Stonewall riots in New York City, “The Homosexual* Revolution” started in Minneapolis.

It began as an informal class, titled the “Homosexual Revolution,” at a coffee shop in May of 1969. Koreen Phelps and Stephen Irhig talked about “homosexuals’” role in the sexual revolution and used the class to connect with gay people in their community. 

“Because of their vulnerability, Irhig and Miss Phelps have asked other homosexuals to band together,” the Minnesota Daily reported on June 6, 1969. “If someone loses his job because an employer finds out his sex preferences, the group will picket the business. If somebody is arrested for his activities, we will protest.”

It quickly transformed from a class to an official University of Minnesota student group in the fall of 1969, titled FREE (Fight Repression of Erotic Expression). 

“This group that they created was created out of love and compassion,” said Noah Barth, public historian and creator of the documentary “FREE You: Minnesota’s Fight for Gay Liberation.”

FREE was short-lived, as it disbanded by the mid-1970s, but it was deeply influential, according to Barth. Barth said the group sparked the LGBTQ+ rights movement in Minneapolis.

“[FREE] was part of a larger movement for LGBTQ that emerged,” said Rachel Mattson, curator of the Tretter Collection for GLBT Studies. 

Jim Cheseboro (left) and Jim Meiko (right) representing FREE in St. Paul. Photo courtesy of the Jean-Nickolaus Tretter GLBT Collection.

The fight around employment discrimination

In 1970, Michael McConnell and FREE president Jack Baker publicly applied for a marriage license in Hennepin County, but were denied. Before attempting to get married, McConnell had been offered a job at the St. Paul campus, but after the Board of Regents found out that McConnell was gay, they took the job offer back.

FREE wanted to do more than protest hiring discrimination 一 the group aimed to create change within the University, as well. In 1970, they sent out letters to several large corporations asking if they’d hire a “homosexual” person. Honeywell said they would not knowingly hire someone who was gay.

FREE then began lobbying the University to bar not only Honeywell from recruiting students, but any organization that discriminated against “homosexual” people. In 1971, the University announced that they would bar companies from recruiting on campus if they would deny a student a job based on factors other than their academics. 

Twenty years later, Minnesota became the first state to outlaw discrimination based on gender or sexuality in 1993. 

“FREE has this lineage of very tangible activism that catapults the state into its LGBTQ progressivism,” Barth said.

FREE’s impact on today

Despite decades of activism, LGBTQ people still face many barriers. 

“I don’t think [FREE’s goal] has been accomplished,” Mattson said. 

There’s more work to be done, but Minneapolis has come far since 1969. There’s a well-known Pride festival, many LGBTQ people feel safe to publicly express affection toward their partners  throughout various parts of the city and younger people are more comfortable with gender-neutral pronouns.

What began as two gay friends searching for a community developed into a group that would influence LGBTQ activists for years to come.

“The difference between a gay person and a hip gay person is self-acceptance. A hip person is not ashamed of what he is nor does he see himself as sick,” FREE founder Ihrig told the Minnesota Daily in 1969.

*The Minnesota Daily has chosen to use the word “homosexual” in some places throughout this article to authentically represent how the original activists in FREE described themselves.

Author’s note: FREE has a lively history and this article barely scratched the surface. If you want to learn more, check out Noah Barth’s documentary, Bruce Johansen’s article, or contact Rachel Mattson and visit the Jean-Nickolaus Tretter GLBT Archives.

Asafa Powell, former 100m world record holder, does not enter Jamaica Olympic Trials – Home of the Olympic Channel

Asafa Powell, who held the men’s 100m world record before Usain Bolt, did not race the opening rounds of the Jamaica Olympic Trials 100m, putting him in line to miss the Olympics for the first time since 2000.

Powell, 38, owns the record of 97 career sub-10-second 100m performances, the last coming on Sept. 1, 2016. He did not make the 100m final at the Jamaican Championships in 2017 or 2019, missing both world championships teams.

Powell lowered the 100m world record to 9.77 seconds on June 14, 2005. He held the mark until Bolt broke it on May 31, 2008, for the first of three times.

Powell is the fastest man in history without an Olympic or world 100m title.

In 2004, he had the fastest semifinal time at the Athens Games, then placed fifth in the final won by Justin Gatlin. In 2008, after injuries early in the year, Powell had the second-fastest semifinal time in Beijing. He placed fifth in the Olympic final again. In 2012, Powell pulled up in the final and was the last finisher. In 2016, he made the Jamaican team strictly for the relay and earned his lone gold medal.

Powell is the fourth-fastest man in history with a personal best of 9.72 seconds, trailing contemporaries Bolt (9.58), Tyson Gay (9.69) and Yohan Blake (9.69). Bolt retired in 2017. Gay failed to qualify for the U.S. Olympic Trials.

Blake ranks 28th in the world this year and first among Jamaicans. He can make his third Olympic team on Friday.

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