ASHANTI TRENDS ONLINE AFTER POSTING MYSTERY MAN ON INSTAGRAM: Ashanti was trending on social media last night after she posted a photo with a mystery man on Instagram. The singer posted a photo at a restaurant called Taboo Cancun with the man, along with the caption, “Great times.” Some assumed that Ashanti is dating the man, while others assumed that the man was probably the manager of the restaurant.
KEHLANI OFFICIALLY COMES OUT AS LESBIAN: In a TikTok video yesterday (April 22nd), Kehlani came out as lesbian. She said, “I finally know I’m a lesbian. I am gay gay gay gay gay.” The singer joked about having a talk with her family and they responded, “We know, duh stupid.” She added, “I want you to fall on the floor and be like congratulations we had no idea. The f*cking closet was glass.” She added, “I just wanted y’all to know that everyone knew but me.”