Lucas who is in polyamorous relationship with Majic Dyke, poured out her heart, confessing how she has fallen deep in love.
“And before the day ends, it’s our 6-month anniversary today. My love, my heart, my life partner. I love you with every shred of my being! Happy Pride 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ I love you @majic.dyke” wrote Kaz Lucas.
Upon seeing the beautiful message, Majic Dyke replied; “You forever have a home in my heart, babe. I love loving you and being loved by you!”.
On December 28 2020, Kaz also put up another post, showering her partner with praises on how she makes her feel.
“All the words from all the love songs culminated still don’t express how deeply I feel.
“You’d be like heaven to touch” and “Fate may have brought us together but we chose to stay” are merely borrowed words that depict a fraction of my truth.
With you I feel safe, with you (and a few others 😘) is where my heart belongs. I am home. Love resides here. To a lifetime together ❤️ I love you @majic.dyke” shared Kaz.
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Polyamory– is the practice of, or desire for, intimate relationships with more than one partner, with the informed consent of all partners involved.
On May 6th, Majic Dyke put up a long romantic post, confessing her love for her two partners, Kaz and Dame.
Dame and I met “the old fashion way.” She was working at a local bar in Washington DC & I just so happened to be in the crowd the same night she was making her debut as a show babe. I noticed her, she noticed me.. we exchanged cute banter and went back to life as we knew it. Then, we went from slipin and siding in each others FaceBook DM’s, to slipin and sliding in each other. 3 years later, here we are 😅
I came to know of Kaz’s existence on the good ol internet when a mutual friend decided to introduce me to her IG page. As you can see, she is fine as fuck. So, I did what any thirsty ass boi would do. I shot my shot in her DM’s, got rejected, sat my ass down.. (tried again in a few months to see if she changed her mind 😅) andddddd eventually found my way into her heart. Our two year journey has gone from friendship, to romance, to wild kinky shit.
The three of us chose to be in a triad in December 2020, and have spent the last 5 months learning each other. Ethical non-monogamy aint for the faint of heart. We’re committed to growing in love with each other and the more we heal ourselves the deeper our union becomes” reads the post from Dyke.