Home Health SWEAT DC Announces New Safety Protocols, New Workouts and New $29 Unlimited Pass – PoPville

SWEAT DC Announces New Safety Protocols, New Workouts and New $29 Unlimited Pass – PoPville

SWEAT DC Announces New Safety Protocols, New Workouts and New $29 Unlimited Pass – PoPville

SWEAT DC, Washington’s judgement-free, inclusive and challenging group-personal fitness studio, wants clients and potential clients to know the studio has introduced significant changes that assure the safety of members and trainers. The new theme is “smaller is safer; outside is safer; SWEAT is safer.”

For a limited time, owner Gerard “Coach G” Burley is offering a VIP, seven-day $29 unlimited pass to demonstrate the new protocols. Claim your pass at this link, questions or concerns contact [email protected].

New procedures at the fitness studio conform to socially distant protocols, with a new semi private personal training program, SWEAT Strength & Conditioning (SSC), limited to no more than five people at a time inside the studio. In addition to limiting the number of people training at a time, SWEAT DC checks temperatures at the door; uses sterilizing UV lights on equipment between classes; has installed HEPA air filters; provides CDC-approved masks for those who don’t have their own; disinfects all the gear after each use; and maintains a 10-foot distance between clients.

SWEAT DC recently launched outdoor cardio & core focused classes with similar protocols at nearby events space Hook Hall, where SWEAT DC trainers workout members on the outside turf.

While client and trainer safety are No. 1, SWEAT DC makes sure the effort was worth it. SWEAT DC coaches have introduced new strength and conditioning programs using barbells, resistance bands and dumbbells that help clients develop and maintain their gains in strength, cardio and core.

Two new videos demonstrate how the new procedures at the fitness studio and Hook Hall work. Video 1Video 2.

SWEAT DC is a Black-LGBT-owned business based on creating an inclusive, fun and challenging workout space for all levels of clients. For more information see SWEATDC.com or email [email protected]. For information on the seven-day unlimited pass, email [email protected].

Sweat DC is located at 3232 Georgia Avenue, NW, Suite 105. Call 202-509-9051 or text 202-516-7449. The website is here.