Home Health The MSU Pavilion COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Ending – wjimam.com

The MSU Pavilion COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Ending – wjimam.com

The MSU Pavilion COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Ending – wjimam.com

With more and more people becoming vaccinated against the COVID-19 Vaccine, as well as the vaccine becoming more readily available to those who want it, places like the MSU Vaccine Pavillion aren’t as needed as they may have been a month ago.

With walk-up vaccines at pharmacies and places like Walgreens, Rite Aid, Meijer, and even possibly your local pharmacy, it has become basically streamlined to get a vaccine, at least here in the United States so far.

In Ingham County itself, 134,000 shots had been given to those who wanted them. Out of all those shots, 94,000 had been given at the pavilion, according to WILX.

Health Officer, Linda Vail said that this vaccine location will be closed next week. The clinic will continue operations until Tuesday, June 8th from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

So far, 8.74 million doses have been given here in Michigan, with another 4.23 million of those people fully vaccinated. That means 42.4% of the people in Michigan are vaccinated.

In the United States as a whole, 297 million people have received a dose of the vaccine, and another 136 million are fully vaccinated. Out of those numbers, 41.5% of the United States population is fully vaccinated from the virus, according to this data.

MSU Pavilion Covid-19 Vaccination Site Lansing, Michigan

Where to go and what to expect at the MSU Pavilion Vaccination site.

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