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HomeLGBT SportsTight End a Great Concept, Great Name for Denver Bar, Say Readers...

Tight End a Great Concept, Great Name for Denver Bar, Say Readers – Westword


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Say so long to Streets Denver, the rock replacement of Streets of London that closed at the end of May. Say hello to Tight End, the gay sports bar that took over the space at 1501 East Colfax Avenue and opened on April 12.

“We’re really just focusing on the sports thing that’s been a missing niche in our community, and we’re ready to fill that,” co-owner Steven Alix says. “All the other major cities have gay sports bars. This one doesn’t, so it’s time.”

Readers agree, applauding both the concept and the name of the bar in their comments on the Westword Facebook post sharing news of this latest addition to Colfax. Says Ciatlin:

Just the name itself warrants a stop! Love it.

Adds Joe: 

Tight End might be the best name ever for a bar in Denver. Great concept, great name.

Wonders Josh: 

What, was “Wide Receiver” a little too much?

Says Sher: 

Congratulations, when so many are having to close down….Good name, too!

Adds Ken:

That’s actually pretty cool. Will miss Streets, but come on. Super cool.

Responds Scott: 

Although I applaud this bar, losing a punk bar is a sad, sad day.

Notes Bothe

I love that we have a gay jock bar a few blocks from a gay cowboy bar. Colfax rules.

And Gordon asks:

Exactly what’s the difference between a gay sports bar and a regular sports bar? Both will be 90 percent dudes.

Have an answer for Gordon? And what do you think of the name Tight End? Is there a bar with a better name in Denver? (And never mind the Texas-based Tight Ends sports chain that’s decidedly not geared to gay sports lovers, judging from all the bikini-clad women in its advertising.) What’s the worst bar name in town?

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