Home Health Virtual Baltimore AIDS Walk raises $185,000 – Washington Blade

Virtual Baltimore AIDS Walk raises $185,000 – Washington Blade

Virtual Baltimore AIDS Walk raises $185,000 – Washington Blade

The Virtual Baltimore AIDS Walk & Music Festival took place June 6 to support HIV services provided by Chase Brexton Healthcare and its community partners.

The event drew 250 walkers, runners, and bikers across more than 50 teams who surpassed their fundraising goal by $20,000, raising $185,000 on their AIDS Walk personal fundraising page. Participants tracked their miles between May 23 to June 5 using the Strava fitness mobile app.

The fundraiser ended with a virtual music festival featuring performances by Baltimore’s own Eze Jackson, Wendel Patrick, and Jasmine Pope. Funds raised for Chase Brexton will support the organization’s prescription delivery program, and ensure that nearly 60,000 prescriptions filled by Chase Brexton’s four pharmacies will be delivered directly to patients’ doorsteps.

To watch the event’s full program, visit the group’s YouTube page. In addition, donations will continue to be accepted through June 30, and you can visit BaltimoreAIDSWalk.org to make a contribution.