Home Health Visalia Unified’s ‘not scientifically factual’ health book is based on science – Visalia Times-Delta and Tulare Advance-Register

Visalia Unified’s ‘not scientifically factual’ health book is based on science – Visalia Times-Delta and Tulare Advance-Register

Visalia Unified’s ‘not scientifically factual’ health book is based on science – Visalia Times-Delta and Tulare Advance-Register

Freshmen will learn from a new health textbook this fall — and some community members aren’t happy about it with some going as far as calling the material “trash” and “not scientifically factual.”

The book is based on science provided by doctors and professors across the world. 

After the first reading of the proposed materials during the May 25 school board meeting, community members were given the opportunity to view the textbook at the district’s main office.

Included in the lobby was a comment box, meant for community members to submit questions, concerns, and comments about the material.

Despite overwhelming support from the school district’s health adoption committee, some Visalia Unified community members and board members raised concerns. Those comments were included in Tuesday’s second hearing on the matter.

One comment called a portion of the textbook content including information on gender identities, sexual and romantic orientations “trash”, while another said the proposed material was “not scientifically factual.” The comment didn’t list a specific chapter or page number. 

“Public schools should not, legally, be teaching this belief system in text,” a commenter said, again without any specifics. It is the law, however, to teach comprehensive health classes. 

The last comment included in the presentation said that, “It looks like the (California) standards are integrated very well.”

The book follows educational guidelines for teaching health and wellness. 

The Goodheart-Willcox health textbook “Comprehensive Health Skills” has eight units and 24 chapters.

Units touch on living a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods and living an active life, while other topics include vaping, tobacco, alcohol, medication, and drug use. 

The later chapters give overviews on healthy relationships, health safety, diseases, and disorders, including HIV/AIDS. The last unit is devoted to human development and sexuality, where information about understanding sexuality and teen pregnancy prevention are included. 

Tulare County has consistently reported high teen pregnancy rates when compared to the rest of California. Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, San Bernardino, Fresno, Orange, and Riverside reported higher teen pregnancy totals, but when compared to population sizes, Tulare County ranks among the highest in teen pregnancy rates.

Recommendations to the board included two options, both options recommended adopting the new health textbook. Option A would include information on the California Healthy Youth Act, while option B would exclude such information and instead be included in supplemental material. 

Both options would allow parents to have their children opt-out of the course. But, state law, requires classes in comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention education — at least once in middle school and at least once in high school.

Abstinence-only instruction is not allowed. Since the law passed in 2016, sexual activity among high schoolers has dropped 4%, according to the Institute for Family Studies.

Micah Sanchez, a health educator at Redwood High School, VUSD parent, and one of the health committee members, called into Tuesday’s school board meeting to share her thoughts regarding both options, urging members to chose option A.

“The textbook follows California state standards… It also exposes our freshmen to science-based materials to help close the gap between 8th grade and sophomore year sciences,” Sanchez said. “Yes, the textbook discusses LGBTQ+ terminology but only in a way to educate and promote the understanding of others… I hope and request and would love it if you adopted our textbook that is up for adoption.”

Pamela Silva had a different opinion about option A, saying the book promotes pedophilia and grooming: “I didn’t have a very good picture of what is being presented. I am going to have to do some more research… but what I did get is that Option A teaches LGBTQ while Option B just kind of glosses over it.

“I’ve seen some literature that goes into, very detailed, on how you have gay sex, so no I don’t think that is good. I don’t think we should teach them on how the act is done… We have to be cognizant that these are still children… To teach them these things that are so graphic is pedophilia. So keep in mind… you are grooming them for pedophilia.”

There’s no evidence that supports that stance. 

After public comment, the board motioned to approve the committees’ option B recommendation. Trustee Megan Casebeer Soleno was the sole no vote, while Trustee John Crabtree abstained because he said he would not put his name on the curriculum including this textbook. Casebeer Soleno wanted more information on both options before voting yes on either. 

Ultimately, the board voted in favor of option B, 5-1-1.

Trustee Soleno condemned the public comment comparing pedophilia to learning about homosexuality during the board member report.

“Those comments (comparing pedophilia to learning about homosexuality) have no place here. That is an insult and a derogatory statement that has been hurled at the gay community for decades and decades and decades,” Soleno said. “It is so far from anything that is appropriate and really speaks to as if not as to why this curriculum is important to teach people what is actually the sexuality of a gay person. Our board does not condone those comments.”

Edited to include Trustee Megan Casebeer Soleno’s comment.